Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Lapwings Descending

Slightly wide of topic but hey, it is good to share.

This is no tropical rainforest - though it has been pretty wet recently. But, if you'd like to support the campaign against habitat destruction through mineral extraction, please visit the Communities Against Gravel Extraction website and have an opinion or make a donation.

Monday 14 May 2012

The Typewriter Insurgency

I found a new use for typewriters. Or maybe an old use seen from a new perspective.

I retyped The Manifesto (and translated it into English) and, of course, in so doing had cause to reflect on the strength of feeling and connection I made with the words. Typewriting does that, if you let it.

I had to fight hard against the instinct to type out the web address of either the "original" Manifesto or the typosphere. It seemed somehow inappropriate. As does sharing it as a scanned and uploaded rewrite of a typewritten original which itself was scanned, uploaded, wound-up and left ticking on Webstarts. So, no links - no tags - no attributions.

In re-reading it, there are sentiments here which chime resonantly with what M.T. "Back from the Wilderness" Coalhopper (see link on right) has to say about the Facebook.

I'm more inclined to treat typewriting as a means of balancing my existence in the data stream rather than replacing it. Yin Yang.

Whether I'll find sufficiently deviant outlets to leave this lying around, I don't know. But manifestos have proved to be equally powerful when carefully folded, tucked into a breast pocket and carried close to the heart.

Meanwhile, there's enough in the sentiment of the manifesto to at least make re-posting a facsimile a good thing to do. And it may be time already to update the rallying cry to:

"The Revolution is being typewritten"

And so on.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Bar-Let: improvisation

Organ donor. Sad face.

It is crude, but it works!

The pivot screw from a child's compass is un-blued and looks out of place, but is a perfect fit.

Centre feed roller from bike pump adaptor. Yellow ones from the inflation tube of a Rock-it toy (you fill a plastic coke bottle with water, pressurise it until it lifts off). Original brass wire roller pins re-used - bike spokes are too thick!

Who could resist those hi-tech spools and cheeky grin.

Click to enlarge