Well done, Rob! How was it fixed? Re my earlier suggestions, I took out an Optima Plana yesterday, found the carriage a bit stiff in places, checked it out and found two heavily oil-enhanced bits of rice bubble stuck on the escapement rack.
Thanks Robert, I'll post some photos with arrows and an explanatory typecast, hopefully tomorrow. I am a little annoyed with myself that I have mangled a couple of screwheads without need. Partly my poor workmanship/tools, but that 1950's German metal is quite putty-like!
Well done, Rob! How was it fixed? Re my earlier suggestions, I took out an Optima Plana yesterday, found the carriage a bit stiff in places, checked it out and found two heavily oil-enhanced bits of rice bubble stuck on the escapement rack.
ReplyDeleteThanks Robert, I'll post some photos with arrows and an explanatory typecast, hopefully tomorrow. I am a little annoyed with myself that I have mangled a couple of screwheads without need. Partly my poor workmanship/tools, but that 1950's German metal is quite putty-like!