
Wednesday 8 June 2011

Open and shut

I'm in the process of making a new typewriter manual for The Good Companion Model 5 and I just couldn't resist sharing a couple of the photos.

News just in: The Imperial Typewriter factory in Leicester, UK, was raided yesterday and 33 illegal workers arrested. Leicester has a large community with origins in India and Pakistan who have found UK borders alternately open and shut.  Read the full story...

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  1. yummy, super, love those animated gifs! and what an original idea to make a new manual!

  2. Hi Georg, If I'd intended doing the animation, I'd have put a few more stages of opening in, but I was just scrolling through the photos and it begged to be done :-) I'll post the manual when its finished. I'm aiming for a triumph of style over substance!

  3. Love the animation and the idea to make 21st century typewriter manuals. That's a resource that is definitely needed.
