
Wednesday 27 July 2011

Sneak peek

It may be some time before I get my hands on the Underwood Noiseless. Meanwhile my Harrovian typewriter mule (nephew Al) made the connection with the Man, and then he sent this photo:

Imperial GC5 update: This was a skip-rescue from a late friend's house clearance by absent family... so the seller was OK with only making 99p on it. Good home and all that. Suffice to say, it is VERY clean, little used and a very early 1957 model 5. Bad-ish news: it needs some work on the space bar and the tabulator and the internal platen clutch is stuck off. Ribbon's good though and it types a treat - just without spaces and with 'freestyle' line returns. 

Can it be fixed? Watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite machines, still.
    I have the Remington version in crinkle-paint, and the Underwood in glossy. The feel identical (and I suppose they are) and are both f-a-s-t. They never jam, do they/
