
Monday 5 March 2012

Olympia SF


  1. I blame you for finally making me decide to buy the SF currently on ricardo (swiss auction site). Well done.

  2. I like the typefaces on Olympias; they are always clear and crisp, and usually very even.

    Would you please consider turning off your "Showcase images with Lightbox" option? It's in your Blog dashboard --> Settings --> Posts & Comments; third from the top.

    It is a bit cumbersome to click on the typewritten image and have it show up too small in the slide show.

    When the Lightbox option is turned off, readers click on the image in the blog post and it will open in a new page in the original size.


    1. Hi Cameron, I'm ambivalent about Lightbox so I'm happy to yield to customer response! Where I DO like is on Cambridge Tom's page because he's nailed a good formula. I'll have a rummage for the off switch.

  3. Very nice typewriter. I've seen several of these and passed them by. I need to reconsider.

  4. So, just after Robert Messenger's post with the KOFA (and related) machines, we see the machine from which the carriage was stolen. I can tell just by your pics (I've never actually seen an SF) that the carriage is identical to the one of my KOFA, which is affixed onto a Tippa body.
