
Thursday 29 March 2012

Tages Anzeiger: Questions 9-21

See Retro Tech Geneva where this thread began.
See Manual Entry and Type Clack too.


  1. You did all this without touch typing? I don't believe you :-) But, seriously, I think hunt-and-peck has evolved into a reasonably rapid way to type too, if not dramatically efficient, and I'm sure you're one of those.

    Love all your answers and glad you went to the trouble of answering all of them! Wasn't so hard, now, was it? :P I noticed a bit of flagging around the last couple of paragraphs, but I felt the same way, so I can't say I blame you.

    Nodded all the way through your answer to Q12... simply brilliant.

    And you are right about Q15 too: once you are actually in the company of a fellow typewriter collector, there is surprisingly little to say. Especially if the other person also blogs regularly about their collection, it feels as if you know them too well to engage in small talk, and yet not well enough to go deeper.

    1. Thanks Adwoa. With luck, you shouldn't be able to tell the difference between a touch-typed page and one where the characters are printed hours apart. I think that's part of the dissociation Richard's Mr Kettle has been shedding light upon. I suppose one giveaway is the number of miss spellings. Atrocious. Apologies.

  2. Enjoyed all your answers!

  3. Very good. The post is quite good for not touch typing, I am constantly surprised by the number of one and two finger typists throughout the history of typewriters who can and do do a great job of typing and many are quite fast.

    One day I need to post my questions and answers.

    1. OK, I'll confess, I'm not a touch typist by any stretch of the imagination, but my two index fingers do get some help from an occasional thumb on the space bar :-)

  4. I have the same typewriters and it works wonders and excellent. However, I have a questions, I have an old typewriter Empire Aristocrat but how do I get it fix? It is kind of not typing or the keys pad is hard. Please help, my email:

    1. Hi Blossom,

      I'm not sure I can help but here goes.

      First thing I would do is to check that the carriage lock is off. If that's too obvious, sorry. The lock usually prevents the keys from operating too.

      Does the carriage run smoothly from side to side? If it does, then try the following.

      Take the screws out from the bottom cover. The cover plate will come off and you might find something like a pin or paper clip lodged where it shouldn't be.

      Another cause of the problem could simply be that the ribbon has reached the end. This will lock the keys up on some typewriters. I can't remember if the Empire Aristocrat has automatic ribbon reverse, a lever you have to push, or whether you need to physically swap the reels round (unlikely). You can check by seeing is they rotate freely in one direction and move forward gradually in the other while typing.

      That's about as much as I can tell you.
