
Friday 26 August 2016

Hedge fund*

*An investment that pools capital from a limited number of sources and invests in a variety of assets, often with complex portfolio-construction and risk-management techniques.


  1. Looks quite yummy.
    Blackberries were in the news tonight. In Florida it is not legal to pick them. Apparently there are so many people picking them along the roads it causes problems. In Pennsylvania and Virginal I picked plenty. They are quite tasty.

    1. That's funny, I'm invariably the only one I ever see picking blackberries. Sometimes you can tell if there's been a picker ahead of you by the pale stem patches left by the fruit but as far as I could see on Thursday it was just me. I don't really like them unless as jelly or in a crumble with apple.

  2. Beautiful photos, Rob. And you've got me wondering if I have the patience and where-with-all to try making my own jams. If only so that I can re-use all of the Bonne Maman jars that we have lying around the house.
    Nice work!

    1. Jelly takes the most patience as it has the added process of straining the liquor but jams, say plum or raspberry, are easy and take a couple of hours, including picking. Also, I was raised by family who went through the privations of WW2 and have that thrifty 'waste nothing' outlook. Probably explains a passion for typewriters too. Go for it!

  3. I thought this was going to be a post about a charity that supports hedgehogs.
