Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Underwood stripper

Regarding the previous post: Shordzi asked about the brand of paint stripper I used to remove the hand-painted brown finish (I think it is model maker's enamel). The can recommends 40 minutes. I left it for 10 before dunking in a bucket of water, brushing and rinsing it off.

Warning: This softened the decals to some extent, especially on the back of the frame where I left it on for about 15mins. This means that the writing is indistinct. The underlying original finish seems unaffected by the stripper.


  1. Dallying with strippers. For shame!

  2. There was a time when any printer worth his salt dallied with strippers all day long! :D

  3. Thank you for the information. This looks dangerous!

  4. Disposable rubber gloves come in handy.
