Sunday 18 March 2012

Brit milah

The line return ratchet didn't work. It does now.

I can see how this must look but it was quite painless, didn't require anaesthetic and only took a minute.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Foundation and Empire

Imperial The Good Companion. s/n EN839, 1948
By Appointment to His Majesty King George the Fifth.
This, and the following four images are at the same scale.
Click any to supersize to 1000 pixels
Imperial Good Companion 4. s/n 4BS401T, 1958
Imperial Good Companion 5. s/n 5A756, 1957
Imperial Good Companion 5. s/n 5G990, 1958
The Good Companion, return lever
Good Companion 4, return lever
Good Companion 5 serial number. Earlier model had the number on the bottom
of the molding, later ones are numbered under the top cover
Ribbon selector is different between earlier and later models
Older and newer line-space ratchet pawls. What is the later arrow pointing to?
Possible platen re-covery? The ratchet on the later model doesn't work consistently when
it doesn't engage with the cog. This might be because it fouls the platen rubber.
Under the hood of the Good Companion 4

Under the hood of the Good Companion 5
What lies beneath. A Good Companion 4's nether regions exposed
...and the Good Companion 5's revolutionary though
more delicate undercarriage

Read my spoof manual for the Good Companion 5