...is melting into the air
Seventy ad-free minutes from Alan Yentob about books, their inky history, digital present and 'cloudy' future. Worth watching by authors, writers and anyone remotely interested in printing or graphic arts.
Be quick, it is available on BBC iPlayer until 12:39AM (GMT) Wed, 28 Dec 2011
Click image to view.
If you are outside the UK,
click here to download 273Mb mp4 file.
Cautionary note: there are no typewriters in this documentary
Noon-14 Dec. Thanks Bill M for advice that iPlayer is not available in the US. I do have a non-time limited, non-DRM mp4 file at 237Mb. Just need to find somewhere to put it.
14:00hr GMT. adrive.com allows 2Gb uploads to a free 50Gb account!
Update: 02 Jan 2012: Adrive shared files expire after 14 days! They don't vanish but you have to replace them in a shared folder to get a new url - which I just did. I might get fed up with renewing the url. If the link doesn't work, just drop me a note in a comment below and I'll renew it.