Wednesday, 12 December 2012

12:12 - 12.12.12

There was a frost last night...


  1. Beautiful spider web. Kind of relevant to the web of time. I really enjoyed playing with the matching number dates. I did not have a blog for most of them.

    I thought about posting on 12:12:12 12.12.12, but I start work at 7 local time and thought my schedule would not allow it. Then I thought noon, but that too gets side tracked easily as that is lunch time and Murphy's Law says that is when I would be speaking with others and or going to lunch and forget.

    Have a great 12.12.12!

    1. My Murphy's Law avoidance tool? Scheduled posts :-)

  2. Sorry, I forgot to note my 12:12:12 was UTC not U.S. Eastern Time.

  3. At 12:12 GMT+1, we had class - and everybody shouted "12.12.12 - 12:12!".

    1. If this can happen, there is hope for the world.

  4. So many 12s, Rob! I'll be 135 in 2101. Maybe we can catch up and have a pint. And you're right about the tv recorder showing 007. Whenever I'm seven seconds in to watching a DVD, I get a strong urge to diffuse the DVD player.
    Nice post.

  5. Boxcars! Craps, the loser!
    that's what I kept thinking. Just contrary I guess.
